Maximize the life and performance of your production lines. Our After Sales Service provides you with professional inspection, maintenance, repair, and modernization at any time and effectively prevents machine failures. This saves time and money – and secures your investments in state-of-the-art production lines in the long term. Even decades after the purchase of your Reifenhäuser line, you can still produce competitively and at the highest product quality
Every production plant is subject to natural wear and tear processes that must be checked regularly. Our service experts use detailed checklists to analyze and document the condition of your plant and identify potential wear points that could affect your production processes. In this way, you receive well-founded recommendations for maintenance measures and optimization at an early stage. This prevents unplanned downtime and cost-intensive damage to your plant.
You also receive a safety equipment check, a record of the training needs for operators and maintenance staff, and suggestions for preventive measures regarding technologically outdated machine components.
Trust our expert assessment and receive a reliable condition check with a "seal of approval".
Maintain the value of your production equipment by performing regular maintenance according to manufacturer specifications - from cleaning and maintenance and the correct setting of operating parameters through to the adjustment or replacement of mechanical components. We make sure that the target condition is achieved at all times. You can then maintain a high level of productivity, quality, and resale value of your line.
Despite regular line inspection and maintenance, individual components may fail due to wear and tear: This requires repairs or complete replacement. Here, you can rely on our professional service – performed precisely to manufacturer specifications and using original spare parts. You can then restore the target condition at any time to safeguard reliable and efficient production.
Production lines are long-term investments - some with service lives lasting several decades. At the same time, technological development takes place at a never-ending pace in many areas. Therefore, check your line regularly for any modernizations that may be available. This will reduce energy and material consumption, simplify operation, and increase product quality.
Electronic components are particularly subject to rapid evolutionary cycles, for example in the area of line control. Therefore, make use of our regular software updates. This allows you to increase line performance cost-effectively without having to make changes to the hardware.
We also offer comprehensive upgrades that involves the complete exchange of hardware components or their addition. This provides you with significantly greater performance and new "state-of-the-art" functions, such as dies with automated product thickness change. You also reduce the probability of failure of outdated components and achieve better spare parts availability.
Benefit from a variety of different modernization packages for all line areas - from line control, winders, haul-offs, hot parts (extruders, dies, blown-film die heads, etc.) through to complete retrofits where the entire line is thoroughly refurbished.